Saturday, November 30, 2019

Who were Hitlers willing executioners Essay Example

Who were Hitlers willing executioners Essay When Hitlers men first mobilized through Poland on their way to conquer Russia in operation Barbarossa, a soldier witnessed German officers beating a Jewish man and mocking him by saying how many Germans did you steal from today. But what this soldier really witnessed was the beginning of the Genocide of the entire Jewish race, which today is known as the holocaust. During the holocaust the Germans extinguished the lives of six million Jews and, had Germany not been defeated, would have annihilated millions more. Whats more shocking than the actual event itself is the fact that an event of such nature was even possible, that German societies anti Semitic attitude was the perfect breeding ground for extermination.With Hitler injecting all sorts of propaganda to convince Germans that Jews are the cause of all Germanys problems and adding to peoples anti Semitic attitude, he was able to finally see his life long dream which was the elimination of European Jewry. The extermination of t he Jewish race would not have been possible if it were not for the ordinary Germans in particular the police force battalions who were carrying out the executions. Although the final solution to the Jewish question was engineered by Nazi leadership, it was the willing executioners/perpetrators who abided by this evil genocide and made the holocaust possible. Mass executions by the police force were carried out in an attempt to extinguish the Jewish race, however this process was taking too long and Heinrich Himmler appointed the police forces to begin the transport of Jewish people to concentration camps where gas chambers would end their suffering at extremely large numbers and thus, increase the rate of extermination.In order to completely understand the deeds of the perpetrators of the holocaust, the origins and the reasons for the Nazis and Germans passionately hating the Jews must be closely examined. However some sources claim that the perpetrators of the holocaust were coerce d it is still important that the origins and reasons of this hate is examined.Germany did not invent anti Semitism, they just took care of it. Anti Jewish policies and actions did not begin in Germany in 1933 when Hitler announced that the Jews were to be exterminated. Jews had been victims of destructive action for many centuries and this began in the fourth century in Rome after Christ. The Jews were forced to convert to Christianity but the Jews refused because they saw that Christ was elevated to Godhood in Christianity and the Jews believed in One God who is indivisible. Conversion was the first anti Jewish policy and if it was unsuccessful then the second anti- Jewish policy would be implemented, which was expulsion and exclusion. This was the adopted policy by Nazis and remained the goal of all anti-Jewish policy until 1941.(The Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath pg 23-24 Omar Bartov, 2000)However that year was a turning point in anti-Jewish history. The Nazis found themselves in the midst of a total war with several million Jews incarcerated in ghettos. Emigrating these Jews was impossible and a last minute project to ship the Jews to Madagascar had fallen through. The Nazis then found that the final solution to the Jewish problem was to eliminate all European Jewry. This was the third anti Jewish policy in History and it was created by Hitler and the Nazi party.(The Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath pg 25- Omar Bartov, 2000)Simply, the main reason behind Hitlers anti-Semitism is that he believed the Jews are to blame for Germanys loss in 1918 and the Depression. Evidence that the Nazis blamed the Jews for the war is in source 1 which is a poster showing a hand pointing down at a Jew aided by large bold words stating he bears the guilt for the war. This was the event that turned Hitlers anti-Semitism into a central obsession. To Hitler the Jews were the universal enemy which had relentlessly led the external and internal war against Germany. He believed in international Jewry as an actually existing political subject with vast power that was hostile to Germany. He also believed that a Jewish international conspiracy was intent on exterminating Germany and the Germans.Therefore Hitler portrayed the Holocaust as a defensive act, a necessary move to destroy the Jews before they destroyed Germany. Source 2 provides evidence that Nazi propaganda believed in a Jewish conspiracy. The primary source contains a stereotypical Jewish face with arrows pointing to Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin showing a conspiracy theory with the Jews and the allied leaders. Beside this diagram is a list claiming that all people in high places under the allied leaders are somehow Jewish or connected to Jews. This source is useful as it shows historians that the Nazis ultimately believed in a Jewish conspiracy and that they used it to justify the need for the extermination of Jews to condition the public to believe the same.(The J ewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During WWII And The Holocaust pg 1-4,166-Jeffry Herf, 2006)The Nazi party propagandists used all sorts of propaganda to increase peoples hatred and anti-Semitism. It is no wonder why the Holocaust was made possible and many institutions of killing such as the police force were willing to execute the Jews as Nazi propaganda presented all sorts of conspiracies which made people fear the presence of Jews in Germany. For example source 3 presents a poster with the image of an American Jew Nathan Kaufman and below the image is a caption stating He demands the complete extermination of the German people. This image is useful as it shows historians how the Nazi propagandists use the Jewish conspiracy to justify their reasons for the extermination of European Jewry as self defence as this poster is a call to eliminate Germans. The use of propaganda to submit the Jews as part of a conspiracy theory at the time would have positioned the executioners to believe tha t what they were doing was right as they were protecting themselves from the Jews.(The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During WWII And The Holocaust pg 166-Jeffry Herf, 2006)The police battalions during World War II were known as the agents of genocide. The Order Police (Ordnungspolizei) was as integral to the commission of the holocaust as the Einsatzgruppen and the SS were. It was composed of the Uniformed Police (Schutzpolizei), under which police battalions operated, and the Rural Police (Gendarmerie). Police battalions were the branch of the Order Police most intimately involved in the Genocide. Unlike other parts of the Order Police, their mobility made them a flexible general instrument for implementing genocidal policies. A large percentage of the Germans who were members of the police battalions were ordinary Germans, they were not selected according to military or ideological fitness.In fact, the police battalion would take anyone it could get and its men were usually consid ered unfit for military service, after all, their main objective was to exterminate Jews and this required no military experience. The men of police battalions operated both alone and frequently in conjunction with other forces from other institutions including the German army, SS Security Service and camp personnel. The activities the police battalion force participated in ranged widely. They undertook ordinary police duties, engaged in anti-partisan warfare, some even fought beside the army on the front. But their most valued activity by the Nazis at the time was their deportation of people to concentration camps either to be killed or provide labour for Germany, and regularly hunting and killing Jews in large masses in German occupied territory. It was due to these activities undertaken by the police battalion force that the holocaust was made possible.(Hitlers Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans And The Holocaust pg181 David Jonah Goldhagen, 1996)Police Battalion 101 was an institution that engaged wholeheartedly in the German extermination of European Jewry. The battalion consisted of lower middle class and lower class Germans which is evident in Source 4 (Class and occupational subgroups of those in the Battalion) and this was due mainly to the units shortage. This battalion served its pre-genocidal life in Poland in September 1939 and operated there until December 1939 where it secured conquered areas and guarded POWs and military installations. In February 1943 the battalion became fully engaged in its Genocidal acts against the Jews undertaking numerous killing operations, sometimes shooting the Jews by the thousands themselves, or deporting them by the thousands to the gas chambers. It is evident in Source 5 and 6 that Police Battalion 101underttok large scale slaughtering of Jews in the thousands and also the deportation of Jews to death camps. These two sources are useful and important to historians because they provide the location, date, numb er of victims and the method of killing which took place in the genocide of the Polish Jews by Police battalion 101.(Hitlers Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans And The Holocaust pg 203 -207 David Jonah Goldhagen, 1996)A major communal extermination in Lomazy was entered in police battalion 101s ledger shortly after a communal slaying in Jozefow. Unlike in Jozefow, where the entire battalion participated in the Genocidal slaughter, in Lomazy the killing was left to the Second Company to perform on its own. The Jews were concentrated in their own section of the city. It took the men of The Second Company two hours to round up their victims and bring them to the designated assembly point which was the athletic area near the towns school. This is evident in Source 7 as it shows men of Police Battalion 101 guarding Jews on the athletic field before executing them. The round up proceeded without pity and those who could not make it to the assembly area were killed on the spot. Source 8 is a court judgement which summarises the dedication of the men to their task. The Germans shot the old, the infirm, and the young on the streets and in their homes and beds. At the athletic area the Germans separated the men from the women and lead a group of about sixty Jews to a wooded area where they were forced to dig a mass grave for the execution.This is evident in Source 9 as it shows Jewish men digging a large grave using shovels. The inscription on the back of the photograph identifies the scene for execution. It says Jews constructing a mass grave/Lomartczy 18 Aug 1942/1600. After a while the overdue Hiwis (those who were to carry out the executions) arrived and sat down for breakfast. They feasted in front of their victims and the German commander of the Hiwis began to drink vodka. The Jews were strongly suspicious of what awaited them. They began to walk the Jews to the execution site and the Germans shot any Jew who strayed or fell behind. This caused panic and Jews at the back began to surge forward knocking down their brethrens down and trampling over them. When they got to the execution site the Jews were separated according to gender and their clothing was removed.The Jews would have to lay down and would receive one bullet to the head. Then the next set of Jews would have to lay above those previously shot with their skull bursted predecessors. Since the Hiwis were drinking a lot they soon got drunk and found it hard to aim straight at the head. So in some cases the bullet would not kill the victim, but the German commander of the Hiwis clearly said that no mercy shots would be issued on this day so those would stay in pain and would die a slow painful death. Soon the Hiwis got so drunk it was impossible to continue and they were replaced by the commanders lieutenants. This was one of many events were entire Jewish communities were slaughtered in the thousands and it these events are the agents that made the holocaust possible.(Hitlers Wi lling Executioners: Ordinary Germans And The Holocaust pg223 -229 David Jonah Goldhagen, 1996)Some historians claim that the police force battalion members were coerced by the Nazis to take part in the genocidal slaughter of the Jewish race. This meant that the members of the battalion had no choice but to take part in the executions. However, in police battalion force 101 this was not the case. Before a mass killing would take place those in charge of their squads would tell their men that those who do not wish to kill are excused. One squad leader Sergeant Ernst Hegert, reported that in his platoon five men asked to be exempted from the killing after these men had already begun with the executions because they found it to burdensome to shoot women and children. The men were excused and were assigned to other duties such as transporting Jews to the scene for the duration of the killings. Two other sergeants Bentheim and Arthur Kammer also excused a few men under their commands. A third sergeant, Heinrich Steinmetz explicitly told his men before the executions that they do not have to kill. I would like also to mention that before the beginning of the execution, Sergeant Steinmentz said to the platoon that those who did not feel up to the upcoming task could come forward. There was an understanding between the battalion that the men who did not want to kill should not be forced to do so. Since sergeants and battalion commanders were exercising the acceptance of one opting out of killing, it means that those who slaughtered Jews did so voluntarily.(Hitlers Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans And The Holocaust pg 220-222 David Jonah Goldhagen, 1996)In conclusion the holocaust would not have been possible if it were not due to the willingness of ordinary Germans in the police battalion force to slaughter Jews in extremely large numbers. The reason that many men participated in these killing institutions was due to them being positioned by Nazi propagandists into believing that the Jews were part of a conspiracy theory and that if they did not exterminate them first, then they (the Germans) would be exterminated by the Jews. The men who carried out the executions were not forced as they were allowed to not take part in the killings, rather the men who carried out the executions done so voluntarily.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Attitudes towards mental illness Essays

Attitudes towards mental illness Essays Attitudes towards mental illness Essay Attitudes towards mental illness Essay Introduction 1.1 Background The term mental unwellness is used to explicate the broad scope of the province of a person’s mental and emotional conditions. The World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Diseases ( ICD-10 ) defines mental upset as a general term which implies the being of a clinically recognizable set of symptoms or behavior associated †¦ with †¦ intervention with personal functions ( ICD-10: 5 ) . DSM IV narrates a clinically important behavioral or psychological syndrome or form that occurs in an person and that is associated with present hurt †¦ or disablement †¦ or with a significantly increased hazard of enduring decease, hurting, disablement, or an of import loss of freedom †¦ ( APA 2000 ) . Harmonizing to the Indian Mental Health Act 1987, mentally sick individual is a individual who is in demand of intervention for any mental upset other than mental retardation ( Mental Health Act 1987 ) does non give a clear image of mental unwellne ss. The recent Mental wellness attention measure 2013 gives the undermentioned definition of mental unwellness †¦means a significant upset of thought, temper, perceptual experience, orientation or memory that grossly impairs judgement, behavior, capacity to recognize world or ability to run into the ordinary demands of life, mental conditions associated with the maltreatment of intoxicant and drugs, but does non include mental deceleration which is a status of arrested or uncomplete development of the head of a individual, particularly characterised by sub-normality of intelligence ( Mental Health Care Bill 2013 ) . Mental unwellnesss are experienced otherwise by different people. The clip, type, strength and continuance of symptoms all vary from individual to individual. The common signifiers of mental unwellness found among the populations are psychotic and temper upsets like, schizophrenic disorder, anxiousness upsets and bipolar upsets ( Malvarez 2008 ) . Harmonizing to the study of the universe wellness organisation ( 2011 ) the major subscriber of the planetary load of diseases are mental upsets ( 12 % ) which is an estimated 45 crores. It is estimated that by the twelvemonth 2020 15 per centum of the Disability-Adjusted Life-Years ( DALYs ) would be due to mental and behaviour upsets. Harmonizing to universe wellness organisation 2001 study, there were 150 million people who suffered from depression, twenty five million from schizophrenic disorder 30 eight million with epilepsy, ninety million with intoxicant or drug usage upset ; and about one million committed self-destructions every twelvemonth and five to ten million effort to perpetrate self-destruction every twelvemonth ( Malvarez 2008 ) . There have been many surveies and researches, which show that the prevalence of major psychiatric upsets is about the same all over the universe. Unfortunately, merely a little minority of the sick persons are adequately cared for ( Akshdee p Singh 2007 ; Kisely et Al 2007 ) . Even though mental wellness jobs prevail in every community all over the universe, mental unwellnesss are associated with figure of myths and false beliefs. For illustration, in rural countries of India, people still believe that mental unwellness is caused by assorted factors like defects of earlier birth, enchantments from Gods, traveling against a tabu or usage, problems in societal dealingss, dissatisfaction of hereditary liquors, spirit or diabolic ownership, evil plotting, evil oculus, black thaumaturgy, natural causes, and affliction by God or Gods ( Raguram et al 1996 ) . The intervention carried out by traditional therapists or household members by and large are, chaining up the mentally sick, intoning enchantments, or crushing them to coerce the liquors out. Although there is a alteration in the above said outlook of the multitudes, it is really much subtle, stiff and non really progressive ( Magnier Mark 2013 ) . In add-on, the prevalence of societal stigma of the society towards mental unwellness makes the patients’ conditions worse. Despite medical and scientific progresss in mental wellness attention, stigma toward mental unwellness is prevailing. General public frequently separate and separate the individuals with mental unwellness from the remainder with the stereo typed outlook that they are unsafe ( Corrigan 2002 ) . Harmonizing to Lyons A ; Mc Loughlin ( 2001 ) media plays an of import function in showing individuals with mentally ailments are unsafe and violent. Films, telecasting and other literary plants portray them as violent. Attitudes toward people with mentally sick are by and large negative and discriminatory ( Murray A ; Lopez 1996 ; Link A ; Phelan 2001 ) . This stereotype outlook towards the patients prevails as they are weak or unsafe ; accordingly their state of affairss continue to be as subhuman. They are vulnerable and victims of force. This societal buildin g of stigma leads them to isolation, deficiency of societal support, and farther psychological hurt ( Galvan et al 2008 ) . Peoples with mental unwellness have been ever looked down since long back in any community, and is characterized as terrorization, black, fanciful, feigned, incurable, unsafe, unpredictable, untrusty, unstable, lazy, weak, worthless, and helpless in the community ( Raguram et al 1996 ; Pescosolido 2013 ) . Attitudes towards mental unwellness among the general popula ­tion is been identified as one of the major hindering block for the persons with mental unwellness to retrieve and populate in their communities. In malice of a figure of programmes there has been no much betterment in the attitude of the populace. The stereotyped and stigmatising attitudes increase the exposure and disablement among the mentally ill. A figure of surveies prove that such attitudes are a barrier for a sick person to entree for appropriate attention ( Arvaniti et al 2009 ) . There are assorted theoretical concepts and theoretical accounts that have been applied to explicate attitudes towards mental unwellness. For case, the theories like labelling theory, ascription theory, lay theories, societal cognitive theory, societal individuality theory, theory of societal stigma etc. are outstanding and give some footing ( Cuomo Diana and Ronacher Alex 1998 ; Zwickert Kristy and Rieger Elizabeth 2013 ; Furnham Adrian and Telford Kate 2012 ; Weiner, B. 1988 ; Pescosolido, A. Bernice 2013 ) . Of peculiar involvement to attitudes towards mental unwellness are the theories of labelling and societal stigma. The theory proposes that the attitudes and beliefs about mental unwellness in cultural context do act upon favoritism and bias towards people with mental unwellness ( Link et al 1989 ) . Therefore, it is of import to understand about people’s attitude towards mentally ill. 1.2 The statement of the job Mental unwellness is frequently a ignored issue in India, and is mute off or unrecognised as a medical status ( Weiss 2001 ) . The available comfortss for the mentally sick are overcrowded, underfunded, and located far and broad ( Chatterjee A ; Chatterjee 2009 ) . Harmonizing to the Indian Psychiatrists Society there are merely around 5000 mental wellness professionals in India. It is estimated that one in every five individuals in India has mental unwellness. One should non bury the fact that India has a population over 1.2 billion. Harmonizing to the WHO, India spends 0.06 % of their wellness budgets in mental wellness ( Mental Health Atlas 2011 ) . Harmonizing to the information available there are two crore Indians enduring from mental unwellnesss. Whereas there are merely 0.2 head-shrinkers per 100000, 0.05 psychiatric nurses per 100000 and 0.02 psychologists per 100000 to handle them ( Mental Health in India an over position 2006 ) . The authorities infirmaries face an acute deficit of professional forces. Harmonizing to the information available there are two crore Indians enduring from mental unwellnesss. Whereas there are merely 0.2 head-shrinkers per 100000, 0.05 psychiatric nurses per 100000 and 0.02 psychologists per 100000 to handle them ( Mental Health in India an over position 2006 ) . It is the authorities sector caters to the demand of the hapless and the underprivileged. The authorities infirmaries face an acute deficit of professional forces. The below tabular array will demo the national service capacity of handling mentally ill in establishments. Table 1.1: Psychiatric Facilities per population Physical capacity Beds Per population Percentage Psychiatric beds 10 000 0.25 Psychiatric beds in mental infirmaries 10 000 0.2 Psychiatric beds in general infirmaries 10 000 0.05 Psychiatric beds in other scenes per 10 000 0.01 Forces Number of head-shrinkers 100 000 0.4 Number of psychiatric nurses 100 000 0.04 Number of psychologists 100 000 0.02 Number of societal workers 100 000 0.02 Hospitals bed capacity Number of Mental infirmaries 20000 43 Beginning: WHO state profile India 2001 Harmonizing to the WHO atlas study ( 2011 ) on mental wellness position of Indian scenario, the mental wellness position in India is really alarming. And the sad portion of it is that most mental wellness professionals are based in metropoliss or private urban infirmaries. As all are cognizant that the authorities sector face an acute deficit in general medical specialty, it would be better to be rather about psychopathology in India ( Indian Psychiatrists Society ) . 1.2.1 Community mental wellness attention in India Looking at this complex and the heavy load of mental unwellness in the community and unequal mental wellness attention substructure in our state, the Government of India had launched the National Mental Health Programme ( NMHP ) in 1982 ( Sinha and Kaur 2011 ) . This programme is now designed for all territories and renamed as District Mental Health Programme ( DMHP ) and anticipating to cover all the territories of India by 2017. Although there are many defects of this programme, one of the success factors of these is the engagement of non-specialists and engagement of the community in Mental Health Services through short term preparations ( Jain 2011 ) . World wellness study ( 2006 ) focused attending on human resources for a successful wellness attention system and it highlighted the turning human resource crisis. Scarcity of the skilled wellness professionals is identified as a cardinal facet of the turning human resource crisis ( WHO 2006 ) . One of the schemes proposed by the World wellness study is task-shifting . It is in the context of undertaking switching – that utilizing of community voluntaries to render certain basic wellness services in their communities to make full the spread ( JLI 2004 ; WHO 2006 ) . Community wellness voluntaries are indispensible and effectual in transporting out community mental wellness programmes in many states. A papers of WHO ( 2010 ) named Best patterns: Mental wellness service development’ produced by WHO proposes that voluntaries are an built-in portion of rehabilitation of the mentally sick in many states. 1.2.2 Mental wellness NGOs/Organization The scarceness of intervention installations and mental wellness professionals in the Government sector has widened the intervention spread in mental wellness. Non-governmental organisations ( NGOs ) have played a important function in the past assisting span this spread. They created low cost replicable theoretical accounts of attention. There are several non- governmental organisations like SCARF, SNEHA, BANYAN, MIND Foundation, Mental Health Action Trust, Basic Needs are few of them. The Mental Health NGOs are involved both in rural and urban countries working towards the built-in development of the individuals with mentally sick. Many NGOs work on child mental wellness, schizophrenic disorder, substance maltreatment, dementedness etc. In turn toing these issues holistically they have included activities such as bio medical intervention and psycho societal rehabilitation, All these were possible through the engagement of professionals and non- professionals- voluntaries. It is her e we look into the function of voluntary in mental wellness attention. The dictionary significance of a voluntary is A individual who freely offers to take portion in an endeavor or set about a task. Volunteering refers to any activity that involves disbursement clip, unpaid, making something that aims to profit the environment or person ( persons or groups ) other than, or in add-on to, close relatives’ ( Smith 1998 ) . Volunteering has been a portion of most societies throughout human history’ ( Hodgkinson 2003 ) . The giving of clip and energy by voluntaries make a difference to the lives of persons, communities and all kinds of related issues. We know that without the clip, attempt and activity of voluntaries it is hard to pull off the lives in community. It has relevancy in the society. It is a fact that voluntaries help to work out societal and community jobs, construct society and by forming citizens in groups help to turn to societal wrongs, alteration of policies, and better the quality of life of communities and states. ( Rochest er, Colin 2006 ) in the context of mental wellness attention mental wellness voluntaries are members of the populace who deliberately seek out contact with and supply attention to persons with a mental unwellness ( Hallett et al 2012 ) . Community mental wellness programme is comprised of head-shrinkers, psychologists, nurses and societal workers. But there is an of import group of people who are polar in community mental wellness activities ; they are the community members or mental wellness voluntaries. They function as the nexus between patients and mental wellness professionals. As negative attitudes and beliefs proved to hold negative influences ( Link et al 1989 ) , it is of import to analyze the attitudes of the voluntary group. Particular attending has been missing towards mental wellness voluntaries, though they are indispensible and an of import constituent in mental health care. A survey that measures attitudes will assist in bordering policies and educational programmes for cut downing negative attitudes, and advancing positive mental health care, therefore higher occupation satisfaction ( Luthans et al 2008 ) .

Friday, November 22, 2019

Benefits Of A Public Health System Essay

Benefits Of A Public Health System Essay One year ago, I was given a life changing opportunity to intern at San Ignacio Community Hospital in San Ignacio, Belize. Each day brought something new: a man limping towards the emergency room with a deep shin laceration after a machete fight, mothers and their children waiting to be evaluated by a pediatrician for the first time, and numerous teen women who would soon be in delivery with no previous prenatal care. Patients traveled miles by foot, bike, or taxi to be seen at the hospital every day and we worked until all were cared for. Consequently, I witnessed how a public health system functions in a rural, considerably underserved community. Throughout my time in San Ignacio, I worked with a variety of health care professionals from different backgrounds while researching the country’s greatest health challenges. At a population of slightly over 300,000, and almost half living in poverty, Belize does not yet have the economics to provide the level of health care that is accessible just a three and a half hour plane ride north. However, while working with patients affected by Belize’s most common diseases, I learned that many of the conditions could be avoided with preventive measures such as annual screenings, vaccinations, health education, and access to primary care. While my team and I regularly brainstormed constructive ideas, we were with limited resources and time. Therefore, my desire to study the country’s public health system grew, and the want to return and improve the patients’ quality of life was instilled in me. Although my interest in public health significantly increased during my time abroad, it began long before interning in San Ignacio and has continued to grow since my return. As an undergraduate ear. .ation curriculums will train me to evaluate underserved populations along with complex global health issues and provide solutions to such issues through program design, policy development, and interventions to progress health care. Additionally, the concentration’s international practice experience will prepare me to work proficiently in invigorating circumstances and apply what I learn directly to the field. As a St. Louis native, I would thoroughly enjoy furthering my education in my hometown. It would be an honor to do so at such a renowned institution well known for its research, affiliation with distinguished health organizations, and contribution to global health. Receiving my master of public health at St. Louis University will undoubtedly lead me to a rewarding and purposeful career that will not only improve my own life, but more importantly, someone else’s.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bioresorbable screws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bioresorbable screws - Essay Example It is necessary to examine the three stages of the process and anticipate probable flaws in the final product resulting from decisions made at each stage. The melting phase of injection molding is essential to achieve the most even blending possible of the injected material. Too low a temperature may prevent the material from blending into a homogeneous mixture. If the temperature is too high there is a possibility that some material will be lost through evaporation, or combustion under the right circumstances. In any event, excess temperature would result in an inefficient process where energy is wasted, thus raising costs unnecessarily. The speed of the injection of the melt represents a danger as well, too slow and there is a possibility that a portion of the melt may partially solidify before the mixture is sealed into the pressure. Still there is the question of how fast the process absolutely needs to be for industrial efficiency. When the desired mixture is achieved, the press ure inside the injection mold must be intense enough to allow solidification while an optimum distribution of molecules is present, to ensure homogeneity. One possible experimental design is to locate the melting point of hydroxyapatite and then deliver five samples into separate heating elements at ascending 10Â ° increments above that melting point. ... ptimal temperature is determined in this method, material samples heated to the same temperature can be injected into new samples at five different speeds in progressively faster increments which are then sealed prior to hardening. Using the same stress testing, the optimal temperature at the optimal injection speed could then be used in a third experiment involving five samples at different increments of pressure. The stress tests can be repeated. In terms of power analysis, this design allows adjustability and the potential for precision. Five samples for each phase of testing create an experiment that permits the investigator to pinpoint the optimal conditions most conducive to the structural outcome desired. Five samples in 2Â ° increments allow inference of the optimal conditions without redundancy. If at either of these experimental phases there are inconclusive findings in stress testing, then the increment requiring the least amount of energy should be recommended. This prop osed experimental design could be evaluated using logistic regression. If the goal is to assess whether the product will break at a certain level of pressure, then whether breakage occurs is a categorical dependent variable, but this experiment proposes continuous data based upon temperature, injection speed, and mold pressure. This statistical method should provide insights concerning the optimal combination of factors to inform an attempt at reliability testing. For the purposes of this experiment, the continuous gradations in terms of temperature, injection speed, and mold pressure are necessary to provide a range of information that optimizes the probability of finding the most advantageous method. A repetition of these tests can be used to reduce the probability of anomalies and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Psycolinguistics Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psycolinguistics - Research Proposal Example The psychological factors include the child’s family setting, stress, abuse, neglect, separation from loved ones, or an extreme psychological event that distressed him emotionally. The research will focus on questions like: Does an unsuitable family setting affect a child’s perception of speech? What impact does stress and emotional distress has on his speech and sound recognition? Does getting him separated from his loved ones like a parent affect his ability to perceive speech? These issues have inspired me to conduct this qualitative research. Literature Review Past Research Papers. Some past research that will be helpful is: Benedek, Elissa P. and Diane H. Schetky. â€Å"Problems in Validating Allegations of Sexual Abuse. Part 1: Factors Affecting Perception and Recall of Events.† Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 26.6 (1987): 912-915. (This is a research on the effect of sexual abuse of child’s perception of events bu t it will also be helpful in interpreting child’s speech perception.) Hurewitz, Felicia, Brown-Schmidt, Sarah, Thorpe, Kirsten, Gleitman, Lila R. and John C. Trueswell.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Is It Art Essay Example for Free

Is It Art Essay What is art? Every person has an individual response to an artwork which is determined through the collaboration between an individual and a specific artwork. If it contributes to your experience, as a consequence being symbolic of something, then it is probably art for you. It is therefore very problematic in order to supply a definition that comprises the whole worlds thoughts and feelings. Some believe that anything and everything in the world is art, while others believe that it takes aptitude, creativity, and an imagination to produce true art. Art can be a reflection of one’s idea brought into the world through painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, architecture, and many other ways. Artworks are determined and different according to an individual’s perceptions, beliefs, and ideas. To begin to decide what we like or dislike depends upon the subject matter of the work what it depicts and its contents, what the subject matter means, symbolizes, or radically opposes. Taking a trip in Washington, D. C. with my Uncle to Maya Lin’s Vietnam Memorial is an example of conflicting art. Many people viewed the monument as an insult to the memory of the very soldiers to whom it was supposed to pay honor. Depending upon an individual’s perspective, to be able to walk up out of the gentle slope out of the V, symbolizes for many the process of healing. The names chiseled in the wall, inflicts serious emotional feelings when you find the name of a loved one or a friend. Depending on how the light hits the polished granite it reflects first your own image back at you, as if to say that your life is what these names fought for. Just the sheer meaning of the fight for our freedom, lost lives there and psychologically even after returning state side, all for another’s life is symbolic art. Similarly is the lighted frog mosaic art lamp my mother purchased during a mother daughter scavenger hunt. At first sight it could be construed as the ugliest thing. Agreeing first glance or look it is ugly, does not fit, or have a particular purpose. Now, with second sight, added to the fact of mother passing, that same mosaic lighted lamp is the most beautiful piece of art. The symbolic emotional feelings of looking at the intertwined pieces of light blue pieces of glass at the base of the frog depict the water of its freedom. The different shades of green glass pieces of the frog make it representational. The black molding holding the glass pieces together give continuity, shape, and naturalistic features to the lamp, thus, creating the illusion that it is real. Lively color lastly conveyed to the interior of your home imparts the feeling of joy and love evoked with exceptional time spent between mother and child is symbolic of family love. Another art that is interpreted as representational would be tattoos. The shear pain from the needle into your body is permanent making it a work of art. The one drawn by their owner with underlying meaning can be the most symbolic than one drawn but the actual tattooist. To wear an angel on your skin can convey many underlying significances, yet to have a faceless angel portrays a deep meaning. Everyday millions of people come in contact with angels, whether it is a smile, kind word, motivation, helping hand, prayer, or assisting force in an individual’s daily life. Then to have the Chinese letters of eternal faith under that faceless angel can have various values. This is symbolic of having eternal faith that the world is surrounded by everyday angels forever. After all this said in conclusion I can say that art is surely not seen with open eyes, but with open minds. Minds open for absorption of painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, architecture, and many other ways. From the examples above, I can also say that art is also an act of giving a small part of you in order to express through the art piece. The portrait of Mona Lisa is not only a portrait of a woman is also a portrait of Leonardos need to express him through color, composition, and symbolic feelings of tranquility. When we are seeing the subject matter, we are not staring just a landscape, sculpture, or portrait; we are observing the artists needs and emotions reflected by the needs of society for art. Art can be symbolic whether it is representational, abstract, or nonobjective.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ovids Metamorphoses: An Example of Chaos Versus Order :: Ovid Metamorphoses Essays

Ovid's Metamorphoses: An Example of Chaos Versus Order Ovid's Metamorphoses is an example of chaos versus order. I think that is what makes it hard to follow. There is just so much chaos moving from one book to another with barely a transition. I think what the anti-epic is trying to show is that everyone has flaws. In the beginning of time a flood changed the earth. The earth was made pure and two by two it began to prosper and grow again. This was chaos followed by order. The poem continues with Cupid being angry with Apollo and shooting him with his arrow. Apollo sees the beautiful Daphne and begins to chase her. This was the human instinct of desire and the power of love. She pleads with her father to change her form and help her to escape. She is changed into a laurel tree, but that does not stop Apollo from claiming her as his property. Apollo's son Phaethon drives the chariot of the sun and spins out of control, another example of chaos. "Book One of Ovid's Metamorphoses establishes the book's theme of metamorphoses with a tale of creation that progresses into human stories leading to the current breed of man. The creation piece is followed by a flood story and a discussion of the ages of mankind. The ages of mankind - gold, silver, bronze, and iron - describe man's slow progression from a good, wholesome society into a miserable, self-destructive one. The next stories concern tales of gods and goddesses and their manipulations of the human population and each other. Book one ends (appropriately) with Phaethon's journey to meet his father, the sun, thus establishing Ovid's theme of quests for change."(auburn. edu) The book continues with man's desire. Desire can rule the head and cripple the heart. These actions can lead to punishment. We are guided by our feelings. Juno is the jealous wife of Jove. Jove attempted to hide his rape of Io from Juno by transforming her into a white heifer. I don't know if it was love or shame that helped Jove give up Lo. Jove gave her up to Argus. Io could not ask for help because she could not speak. This is symbolic of rape because if she says something it might happen again. Rape changes you physically and mentally. Io's own father Inachus could not help her. Ovid's Metamorphoses: An Example of Chaos Versus Order :: Ovid Metamorphoses Essays Ovid's Metamorphoses: An Example of Chaos Versus Order Ovid's Metamorphoses is an example of chaos versus order. I think that is what makes it hard to follow. There is just so much chaos moving from one book to another with barely a transition. I think what the anti-epic is trying to show is that everyone has flaws. In the beginning of time a flood changed the earth. The earth was made pure and two by two it began to prosper and grow again. This was chaos followed by order. The poem continues with Cupid being angry with Apollo and shooting him with his arrow. Apollo sees the beautiful Daphne and begins to chase her. This was the human instinct of desire and the power of love. She pleads with her father to change her form and help her to escape. She is changed into a laurel tree, but that does not stop Apollo from claiming her as his property. Apollo's son Phaethon drives the chariot of the sun and spins out of control, another example of chaos. "Book One of Ovid's Metamorphoses establishes the book's theme of metamorphoses with a tale of creation that progresses into human stories leading to the current breed of man. The creation piece is followed by a flood story and a discussion of the ages of mankind. The ages of mankind - gold, silver, bronze, and iron - describe man's slow progression from a good, wholesome society into a miserable, self-destructive one. The next stories concern tales of gods and goddesses and their manipulations of the human population and each other. Book one ends (appropriately) with Phaethon's journey to meet his father, the sun, thus establishing Ovid's theme of quests for change."(auburn. edu) The book continues with man's desire. Desire can rule the head and cripple the heart. These actions can lead to punishment. We are guided by our feelings. Juno is the jealous wife of Jove. Jove attempted to hide his rape of Io from Juno by transforming her into a white heifer. I don't know if it was love or shame that helped Jove give up Lo. Jove gave her up to Argus. Io could not ask for help because she could not speak. This is symbolic of rape because if she says something it might happen again. Rape changes you physically and mentally. Io's own father Inachus could not help her.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Security Investigation

Part I. The availability of the personal computer or PC at every home and every office desktop, and the dawn of the Internet brought to focus not only the benefits derived from these technologies but abuse and to a greater extent, crimes as well. Suddenly, cybercrime is at an all time high and ways and means of detecting and making these criminal hackers pay became a forefront competence in information technology and law enforcement. One of the best deterrents to computer crime is to catch those who commit the dastardly acts (Solomon & Prosise, 2001)! Of all the types of criminal hackers, the worse is the â€Å"insider† – a current employee or a former â€Å"disgruntled employee† – since they are or were in a â€Å"trust relationship† with their employer, and they demeaned that trust by attacking the information systems of the company. When this type of crime, or cybercrime, occurs, the recourse is to call in computer forensics and incident response professionals to remedy the situation. Solomon et al. (2005) describes computer forensics as, â€Å"Computer investigation and analysis techniques that involve the identification, preservation, extraction, documentation, and interpretation of computer data to determine potential legal evidence.† Once there is a probable determination that a cybercrime was committed, the computer forensics and incident response experts follow a well-choreograph methodology to successfully document evidence and prosecute a cybercrime. Robbins (2002) lists down the basic but critical procedures to computer forensics: 1.Protect the subject computer system during the forensic examination from any possible alteration, damage, data corruption, or virus introduction; 2.Discover all files on the subject system including existing normal files, deleted yet remaining files, hidden files, password-protected files, and encrypted files; 3.Recover as much as possible all of discovered deleted files; 4.Reveal to the extent possible the contents of hidden files as well as temporary or swap files used by both the application programs and the operating system; 5.Access, if possible and if legally appropriate, the contents of protected or encrypted files; 6.Analyze all possibly relevant data found in special and typically inaccessible areas of a disk including but not limited to the ‘unallocated' space on a disk, as well as ‘slack' space in a file; 7.Print an overall analysis of the subject computer system, including listing of all possibly relevant files and discovered file data, then provide an opinion of the system layout, the file structures discovered, any discovered data and authorship information, any attempts to hide, delete, protect, encrypt information, and anything else that has been discovered and appears to be relevant to the overall computer system examination; and 8.Provide expert consultation and/or testimony, as required. While the experts are doing the investigation, it is important to liaise and coordinate, depending upon the legal parameters of the crime, with local or federal cybercrime units. In some states in the U.S., it is a federal crime not to report computer crimes and soon, reporting of cybercrimes will be federally mandated. But the key point in cybercrime investigation is ensuring that the evidence gathered will stand up to legal scrutiny. Part II. A common story heard about cybercrimes is the use of â€Å"social engineering techniques.† Social engineering basically is playing the â€Å"con man† to elicit information from gullible or unknowing victims. A Help Desk employee for example can call a secretary and ask for her password since he needs it to diagnose her PC remotely. Since there is a â€Å"trust relationship† already, the secretary gives her PC password. The Help Desk employee then accessed the secretary's PC and downloaded confidential memos and reports. He then sells these documents to competitors and the competitors ended up gaining advantage on the Help Desk employee's company because they already have insider information. A case like this could have been prevented if the company, or even any government agency, had good security policies in place. Part of the security policies would have been user education training and if the user's had been properly trained, they would have known that nobody needs to know their passwords but themselves. In securing the information systems, the baseline or starting point is having good security policies in place and these policies should and must be based on globally accepted standards and industry best practices. The ISO 17799 or Code of Practice for Information Security Management (ISO/IEC, 2005) is always one of the best standards to adapt whether small, medium or large enterprises – even government agencies for that matter! Shaurette (2002) stated that, â€Å"Information security is not just about technological controls. Security cannot be achieved solely through the application of software or hardware. Any attempt to implement technology controls without considering the cultural and social attitudes of the corporation is a formula for disaster.† Once this has been taken into mind, mitigation of risks to the information systems will be achieved and prevention of cybercrimes, whether from malicious insiders or external criminal hackers, will be tempered.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

People with Terminal Illnesses Should Have the Right to Doctor

People with terminal illnesses should have the right to doctor assisted suicide Assisted suicide should be allowed as a valid option for anyone who is suffering a terminal illness. People don’t want to live uncomfortably or without use of all the functions that they currently possess. Individuals should be allowed to make the decisions on what is right or wrong for them, and that includes living or dying.Thus, people should be given the right to assisted suicide in order to end their suffering, reduce the damaging financial effects of hospital care on their families, and preserve the individual right and dignity of people to determine their own fate. For many people who with terminal or chronic illnesses that cause them constant severe pain may want to die peacefully instead of suffering until they succumb to their illness. It not only calls on doctors to make an unreliable prediction, but prescribes a pointless time limit: The longer the life expectancy the greater the patien t's suffering.The essential elements for legislation are that the condition is irremediable by medical treatment and the suffering is intolerable to the patient (Eric Gargett). Actually, it should not be up to a doctor or other family members as to whether a person should be forced to continue living. No one wants to be in pain or see their loved ones in pain. This is a very real fear people may have. If someone is suffering so badly that there is no point to his / her life then he / she should be given the choice and ability to end it.It is certain circumstance where assisted suicide should be legalized in the case of LAU 2 someone no longer has any quality of life. Also, there are certain illnesses that are very horrible and painful to live through where even such strong drugs as morphine can do nothing. In this circumstance people should be given the freedom to doctor assisted suicide to ease their pains. It should be the choice of the individual first and foremost and then back ed by their family before carried out.In addition, personal right to a doctor assisted suicide is that we, as humans, should respect other people’s wishes and dignity. The Code of Health and Disability Consumers Rights 1996 Right, it states that every consumer has the right to refuse services and to withdraw consent to services. The right to refuse medical treatment under the Bill of Rights Act and the above Code is limited to people who are competent to refuse consent (James L. Werth and Debra C. Cobia). If someone feels their life is not worth living anymore and has thought carefully about ending their life then we should respect this decision.Everyone has an obligation to relieve the suffering of his / her fellow human beings and to respect his / her dignity. Lying in hospitals today are people afflicted with excruciatingly painful and terminal conditions and diseases that have left them permanently incapable of functioning in any dignified human fashion. They can only loo k forward to lives filled with yet more suffering and deterioration. When such people beg for a merciful end to their pain and indignity, it is cruel and inhumane to refuse their pleas.Besides this, people should have a moral right to choose freely what they will do with their lives as long as they inflict no harm on others. This right of free choice includes the right to end one's life when people choose. LAU 3 Furthermore, patients with terminal illnesses are not willing to be seen as a ‘burden' on their loved ones. In 1991, a survey, conducted by the Boston Globe, showed that the main reason people with an â€Å"incurable illness who suffered a great deal of physical pain† would consider ending their lives was because they â€Å"don't want to be a burden† to their families.They were not primarily concerned with the pain or even the restricted lifestyle (Knox, R. A). With today's rising health costs and the busy lifestyles, many people don't want to leave their families with the financial burden of long hospital stays and enormous medical bills that come with being ill for a long time. While patients realize the longer the life expectancy the greater theirs suffering, they prefer to choose ending their pains with a doctor assisted rather than alive, and that’s the way they want to show their loves of their families.Hence, this should be a decision made by individuals with the help of their doctors and families, and should definitely be a right of all people. Finally, people with terminal illnesses should have the right to doctor assisted suicide. It is one of the most basic personal freedoms of a human being whether to continue living, and it is no one else's right to decide if another person should be forced to live. As long as the person requesting the assisted suicide is well informed and in their right state of mind, there is no reason for someone to tell them they are forced to live.In many cases, the amount of excruciating pa in that a person may be enduring could make life miserable, and should not be forced upon any one. For most people, the right to end one's life is a right they can easily exercise, but there are many who want to die, but whose disease, handicap, or condition renders them unable to end their lives in a dignified manner. When such people ask for assistance in exercising their right to die, their wishes should be respected.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Citizen Competence in a Democracy essays

Citizen Competence in a Democracy essays Citizens tend to make political decisions that are affected by their understanding of political institutions. People with a full understanding of political institutions have conceptual maps of the world that are less uncertain. Without this knowledge people see economic and social change as more uncertain and unexplainable. Any discussion of citizen competence must acknowledge the importance of political knowledge in helping people to evaluate politicians and policies. Citizens limited knowledge of political institutions and the effect on their world-views are particularly strong because Americans have little knowledge about their own government and the institutions that rule their society. It has been demonstrated that knowledge about government affects not just how well people respond to their leader's or how well they identify their interests and whether or not they vote. The less a person knows about government, the more likely it is that the voter will judge representatives by their personal character and the less a voter knows, the less likely it is that he or she will vote. Given the limited knowledge about government, which most citizens possess, realizing which issues will matter in any election is problematic. It is not the importance of a policy, or even the extent to which politicians differ on it, that determines when an issue will become relevant to voter decision making. What makes it key will be the availability of information people have about the issue. Mostly, the manner in which their own ideas and beliefs about how the world works to connect an issue to their own life situation and the candidate and party they are voting for. It is important to concentrate on the role that understanding political institutions play when citizens decide whether to vote and evaluate candidates and policies. The knowledge of the institutions of government is called cognitive engagement. People who do no...

Monday, November 4, 2019

No-Till Farming and Agriculture Practices Term Paper - 1

No-Till Farming and Agriculture Practices - Term Paper Example The organic matter residues which are left by the previous crop, water, the microbes present in the soil, and other living organisms like fungi, earthworms etc are disturbed. All such happens in the traditional methods of crop cultivation. In the methodology applied in No-till farming, the farmers use such machines which only makes hole in the soil where the seed is to be planted. The area surrounding that hole is not disturbed thus the seed is provided with sufficient organic materials, water, minerals and certain symbionts which may enhance the growth and yield (No-Tillage Farming. 2012). The concept of no-till farming was introduced by Edward Faulkner in the 1940’s but it did not gain attention until after the World War II. With the synthesis of new chemicals after the World War II, many scientists and researchers stepped out to look for newer ideas. With the advent in the modern technology, no-till farming is rapidly being adopted by most farmers in the developed countries. It is known as the best practice in agriculture because of its efficiency and feasibility. The method of no-till farming gives more and much better yield as compared to the conventional methods. It is less laborious and more economical. It requires less fuel, chemicals, and fertilizers in contrast to the traditional method in which the fertilizers were added to the entire field for enrichment. As no-tillage method disturbs as little soil as possible, it keeps the soil integrity intact thus prevents soil erosion and the organic residues form the previous crops are not removed. This enhance s the organic matter in the soil and thus the seed is encircled inside it. In the traditional methods of farming, the soil was rigorously disturbed which increased the surface area of the superficial organic matter to the soil microbes. The microbes rapidly decomposed all the organic matter which then became unavailable for the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Research Paper - 3

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) - Research Paper Example The truth is there are toxic and non-toxic PAHs occurring naturally in our environment, the non-toxic ones are found in the food we consume (Glenn 1995). They are known as Phytochemicals and are available not only in vegetables but also fruits, grains and several other plants used as foods. These are essential for our health when cooked and consumed appropriately (Sommerburg 1998). This document will discuss the benefits of consuming abundant vegetables in our diet to prevent chronic diseases. Phytochemicals are the bioactive non-nutrient compound found in vegetable. Almost 5000 phytochemicals are estimated to be identified but more are still deemed to be unknown, limiting the full knowledge of the vegetable benefits to our health, suggesting that there could be more benefits. In our day to day activities, our cells are constantly exposed to a lot of oxidizing agents, some toxic and some beneficial to our life. These are the normal PAHs and are found in air, water or the food we consume, some are even being metabolically produced within the cells. Optimal physiologic conditions in our bodies require a balanced state a balanced state of oxidants and antioxidants (Block 1992). Excessive oxidants production causes imbalance which leads to oxidative stress which mostly affects the chronic bacterial, parasitic and even viral infections. This causes serious oxidative damages to the bimolecular substances mainly the proteins, lipids and DNA increasing the risk of chronic disease s like cancer and even cardiovascular disease. Consumption of sufficient antioxidants slows down or even prevents this oxidative stress in our bodies. Vegetables are the known source to have a wide variety of these antioxidant compounds, these may be phenolics or carotenoids which helps in protecting cellular systems from damage due to the oxidative stress, reducing the risk of chronic diseases (Hung 2004). An evidence to show that the compounds found in